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Our Guide to Respecting Scotland’s Great Outdoors

Freedom & Responsibility - Exploring Scotland with the Outdoor Access Code

Scotland boasts unparalleled outdoor adventure, and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code unlocks it responsibly. Think mountains, beaches, lochs, and forests – all open to explore on foot, bike, or boat!


The Beauty of the NC500 - Scotland's Epic Road Trip

Hailed as one of the planet’s most scenic drives, the NC500 meanders through Assynt's rugged corner of Scotland, where every twist and turn reveals majestic landscapes – from lochs to mountains, and charming towns and villages. Inchnadamph Explorers Lodge serves as your cosy base camp, offering stunning views of Quinag, Suilven, and the Assynt lochs. After a hearty breakfast in our spacious dining room, it’s time to embark on day one of your highlands adventure - but first, let’s unpack the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, and prep you for an unforgettable trip along the NC500!


Respecting the Countryside Code - Exploring Assynt Like a Pro

Scotland's vast landscapes and dramatic coastline lure explorers of all stripes. Nowhere is this truer than in Assynt, nestled in the North West Highlands, where adventure unfolds right outside your door at Inchnadamph Explorers Lodge. But with great views comes great responsibility – respecting the countryside is essential to ensure its magic endures for generations to come. 

The Code's core lies in three principles:


Be mindful of others, wildlife, and the environment. Share paths, keep dogs under control, and minimise noise.


Leave no trace. Properly dispose of waste, avoid damaging plants and animals, and stick to designated paths where possible.


Plan ahead, dress appropriately, and be aware of risks like changing weather and uneven terrain.


Key Highlights

Wild Camping

Pitch up responsibly, avoiding cultivated fields and respecting privacy.


Keep them on a lead near livestock and wildlife, and clean up after them.


Only light them in designated areas and never leave them unattended.


Stick to designated roads and tracks, and avoid damaging the landscape.

By following the Code, you ensure everyone can enjoy Scotland's beauty while protecting it for future generations.

Lodge December 23 Blog

Things to Do in Assynt: A Treasure Trove for Adventure Seekers

Assynt is an adventurer's playground. Hike the dramatic peaks of Stac Pollaidh or Suilven, their summits unveiling breathtaking panoramas. Go wild swimming in turquoise lochs, feeling the invigorating chill embrace you. Explore hidden waterfalls like the magical Eas a' Chual Aluinn, its veil cascading into a natural plunge pool. Kayak the glassy surface of Loch Assynt, spotting otters frolicking in the sunlight. Climb the weathered sandstone giants of Stac Pollaidh, testing your skills and soaking in the panoramic reward.

But Assynt isn't just about adrenaline highs:

  • Delve into history at Clachtoll Broch, a fascinating 2,000 year-old Iron Age family settlement.
  • Discover hidden gems like Ardvreck Castle, an enchanting ruin on the banks of Loch Assynt, and Calda House, a crumbling Georgian mansion shrouded in mystery.
  • Stock up on exquisite crafts at Lochinver’s regular Made in Assynt Craft and Produce Markets.


What to Pack for Your Highlands Trip - Gear Up for Adventure

Assynt's weather demands adaptability. Pack waterproof layers, sturdy walking boots, and warm base layers for unexpected chills. A daypack with essentials like snacks, water, a map, compass, and first-aid kit is your trusty companion. Don't forget a head torch for exploring after dark and sunscreen for those glorious sunshine moments. Sturdy trekking poles can be valuable allies on challenging hikes.

Food is fuel for adventure. Pack high-energy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and energy bars. Remember, you can stock up on groceries, water, and sweet treats at the Lodge's super popular, well-stocked shop.


Embracing Assynt with Respect and Responsibility

Assynt awaits with open arms, ready to weave its magic. Remember, respectful exploration creates a positive impact, ensuring this wild playground thrives. By following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and packing wisely, you'll not only embrace the adventure but also be an ambassador for sustainable travel. So, lace up your boots, fuel your wanderlust, and prepare to be captivated by the untamed beauty of Assynt. Inchnadamph Explorers Lodge awaits, your gateway to an unforgettable Highland experience.

Bonus Tip: Check out the website of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code for detailed information and downloadable resources. Get ready to be spellbound by Assynt, and explore responsibly!

Book your holiday at Inchnadamph now and start planning your Assynt adventure!


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